Woman Arrives At Work To Find 2 Babies Trembling Near Fence

The doors of Detroit Animal Care and Control hadn’t even opened for the day when a volunteer arriving for her shift was recently approached by a man who said he had dogs he wanted to turn over. The volunteer asked him to wait as she went inside to grab paperwork, but when she returned, the man had vanished. Puzzled, the volunteer scanned the area, and then she saw them — two puppies locked in the shelter’s play area, trembling near a fence.

“They were huddled together and cowering,” a representative from Friends of Detroit Animal Care and Control told The Dodo. “Clearly fearful.”

Worried that there might be other puppies left behind, rescue staff scoured the grounds of the shelter, looking everywhere to see if the man had abandoned anyone else.

“Instead of an Easter egg hunt, our staff at DACC went on a hunt for dumped puppies,” a Detroit Animal Care and Control staff member wrote in a post on Facebook.

Once they confirmed that no other dogs were in the area, staff members took the puppies inside and gave them food and water. The puppies happily began snacking — it was clear they were very hungry. Once full, the pair began exploring. Soon they were relaxed, settling into the shelter and enjoying all the fun stuff it had to offer.

“They are doing much better,” the representative said. “[They] were happy to eat and start playing with toys.”

Eventually, the dogs went to Loving Hands Pet Rescue, where staff coordinated their continued care in a foster home and began searching for their forever families.

The brown puppy, now named Zeus, has already found his people.

“Zeus is the perfect addition to their family and is going to be beyond loved and spoiled,” Loving Hands wrote in a Facebook post.

The other puppy, now named SpongeBob, is still on the hunt for his perfect fit.

“SpongeBob loves to play with other puppies and children both outside and with toys,” Loving Hands wrote in a post. “He’s doing great with going outside to use the potty and crate training.”

Finally safe with people who care for them, these puppies can rest easy knowing that they’ll never be abandoned again.

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