Clever guest rattles arrogant manager after he tries to charge $350 for room

Like the couple in the following humorous tale, many individuals encounter challenges when seeking suitable accommodations during their travels.

On a journey from Key West to Boston, a married couple, fatigued after nearly twenty-four hours of driving, decided to take a break. Opting for a brief rest, they checked into a pleasant hotel, intending to stay for only four hours before continuing their journey. However, upon checking out, they were handed a hefty $350 bill by the desk clerk.

Outraged, the man demanded an explanation for the exorbitant fee. While acknowledging the hotel’s niceness, he argued that the rooms were not worth $350. Despite the clerk insisting that $350 was the standard rate, the man insisted on speaking to the manager.

The manager listened to the man’s grievances and then revealed that the couple had access to the hotel’s expansive conference center and Olympic-sized pool. The man, still dissatisfied, pointed out that they hadn’t used these facilities. The manager calmly responded, “Well, they are here, and you could have.”

The manager continued to list the hotel’s attractions, including shows featuring top entertainers from New York, Hollywood, and Las Vegas. However, the man persisted in stating that they hadn’t attended any of these shows. Undeterred, the manager reiterated, “Well, we have them, and you could have.”

Regardless of the amenities mentioned, the man’s refrain remained, “But we didn’t use it!” The manager remained steadfast, and eventually, the man conceded and agreed to pay. He wrote a check for the amount and handed it to the manager. Upon inspecting the check, the manager expressed surprise, noting that it was only made out for $100.

The man, with a smirk, responded, “That’s right. I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife.”

Indignantly, the manager exclaimed, “But I didn’t!”

To which the man calmly replied, “Well, she was here, and you could have.”

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