Family Dumps Their Dog At High-Kill Shelter, Because He Has No More Value For Their Love

This story speaks about Stormy, a nice dog, who is superb with children. He likes cats and dogs, and is well socialized. But his family handed him over to a shelter in Brooklyn as they welcomed their 5th child.

They surrendered him to the shelter as they do not him to live around 3 kids. His chances to be adopted, at a busy shelter, were very low. The worst thing was that they put him to be euthanized! Thankfully, a post from a volunteer there was noticed by Eleventh Hour Rescue.

A foster carer and a volunteer for Eleventh Hour Rescue called Alana Guerrini said that the dog’s profile broke her heart. Guerrini took the dog to take care of him, until she finds a perfect home for him. Watch the video below.

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