No one wanted this puppy. Then someone gave him a chance at life.

Guys, thank you so much for your love. Happy dog = happy owner. We do this for each other. Give your dog the best life and in return have your best life. Live each day with a purpose. Love deeply and see the world.
This brought tears to my eyes! With all the turmoil in the world in the last 3 years, I am a tough, sarcastic, exhausted 57-year-old man. I had a German Shepherd dog who looked just like Biggie. I had it for 14 years. He died in my arms on April 7, 2010. A dog’s love is priceless! I think of him and all the dogs I’ve lost over the years! I have 2 dogs cuddling next to me as I write this review.
“If you give your dog the best life, you will have the best life”. Perfect expression and absolutely true!
That dog jumping out of the snow behind you was heartwarming. Every Dogg deserves to have an owner like this guy! What a vibration… my hip!
I suffer from dealing with depression, which is sometimes strong. I’m in denial until I’m 56 and the medication I’m taking now helps, BUT… I adopted a 3-year-old Dachsund from a shelter 8 months ago. Little did I know, he was the one who would save me! It has definitely become a big part of my daily life, and the joy and satisfaction I get from making his days the happiest possible makes my days happy too. When I want to stay in bed and whine all day, Cannoli just doesn’t have it! He lets me sleep until 8 in the morning, then he says to my face, “Come on dad! Open those damn possible doors! Let’s go out. Come on, come on, come on”. start smiling, then laugh hysterically in some cases.
If I’m sitting and staring indifferently, Cannoli magically senses this and as soon as I caress her she will come and start poking me, putting her paws on my lap and looking at me with great love and attention. she shakes it so viciously her butt sways back and forth. He’s a lap dog, neither a lap dog, nor a licker, yet he has 10,000 ways to show me his taste and how much he loves me. I don’t know how his 1. 3 years were, but I promised him that the rest of his life would be pure joy and joy. He seems to have promised me the same! You are surely the best dog dad ever to have worked. I wish there were more owners like you. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to help her find so much of herself. Regards to you!
Cats and dogs have this kind of ability to make life truly worth living. Great friends and this reason to get up every morning. Such love stories ❤️
There is NO better way to end my nighttime YouTube watching than with a happy dog story! Seeing BIGGIE sing the song of his people with all his voice, with typical GSD bowing, and seeing him enjoy many adventures with his loving father is to increase my feel-good barometer. Thank you so much for giving BIGGIE the wonderful life it deserves!
I also own a dog now, I don’t know where I would be without him. If it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be here today. Thank you for allowing him to be a dog and accepting him into your life. It had to be obvious.
How could no one want that sweet bundle of joy?????? I’m in love with that little guy!!! Thank you for loving her so much and giving her the best life!!! This made me very happy.
The absolute mushroom adventure you two are having. Joy and love that seem obvious and beautiful. You had to go on that trip so that Biggie could team up with you. Who knows, maybe your previous four-legged soulmate led you to that area. Thank you for sharing, hearing and seeing your coordinated journey brought a smile and warmth to my heart. May the universe always find a way to keep you together regardless of the difficulties you both may experience. Love to you both.

Biggie is a good boy and has a good father and grandfather to take care of. I’m so glad he recovered. Thank you for accepting him into your beautiful world and honoring the world with joy and excitement! The excitement of being alive with you!
Seriously, I honestly don’t know but this is one of the best, most touching dog videos I’ve ever seen. I just feel it. I love him.
One of the best Geobeats ever! Wonderful shots of your precious happy face and the love between you two. I’ve been told that dogs live in the moment.
I would be lost without my dogs! Bless you for the cause that you love him! It’s clear the two of you were made for each other!
What a beautiful story. I’m so tired of all the depressing stories out there. this shows us how close the bond between man and dog is. Bless you for designating Bigger as your puppy, and I hope you have many years of co-operation. Definitely a goalkeeper. We must always give our dogs the best possible life, all they want is to please us. I love how he howls too, he’s so cute.
I’m actually crying here. What is it about animals that impresses us so much? Biggie is a lucky, yes lucky pup for being with you. There are many dogs that are not living their best lives. I see controlling owners constantly pulling their dogs off their leash and yelling at them and it breaks my heart that they are not given a dog’s best life. I enjoyed every minute of this video. Thank you for being Biggie’s greatest dad.
Biggie has a better life than most people, including me! Scott is a great father who will give Biggie unconditional love for the cause, and life doesn’t get any better than this. I’m glad Biggie has grown to her ears!
A great thank you. I wish those of you who don’t see animals as a way of healing, healing or enlightenment see what your considerate dog is doing for you.
These two obviously need to be coordinated! I adore this dog’s ears! I am happy to think that you will definitely live the glorious and best life possible!
Nice story. I live indirectly with these dog stories because they are not my own. Congratulations on your relationship with your Doggo, life is wonderful when you will be sharing the love of your life.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with Biggie. I lost my dog about 7 years ago and it left a hole in my heart. Dogs give unconditional love. They don’t care if you’re sad, angry, depressed…… all they want to do is improve the situation. Unless you own a dog and actually experience what it has given us, you can’t really understand the bond.
This post is the only one! Warms my heart, brings tears to my eyes. I am 72 years old and show no emotion but your love for this dog and his love for you is magical. Howl out that window and walk away and go snowboarding every day ❤
These two were definitely created for each other. Love is pure. The bond is strong. By the way, I pressed on Biggie’s ears. I once had a dog, Dave, with very cute floppy ears, but every time I tried to take a picture of him, his ears would pop straight up. Now that she’s gone, I have a collection of photos, and each one of them draws attention to her beautiful floppy ears. Dave, I missed you man.
I loved your story. I had a minor stroke and my young niece had just lost her battle with ovarian cancer and my depression was where no one wanted to be. We have a Shepherd/husky mix, I named him after my nephew whose name is Lyndsey joe, so I named him LJ. He literally saved my life and I treasure him every day. Dogs are very good healers. thanks for the story

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