Mother Dog Cries Over Wounded Puppy, Emotional Moments

A heartbreaking moment was captured on camera when this mother dog cries over her wounded puppy. When the rescue organization, Animal Aid Unlimited, India, was called for a hurt dog, they weren’t expecting this sad scene.

As they arrived at the destination, a frantic mama dog was crying for help for her pup. The dog had two deep wounds and wasn’t able to walk. Mama was standing guard over the poor animal as she waited for help. “She didn’t stop trying desperately to communicate as we gently lifted her puppy who had two deep wounds and placed him in the ambulance.”

Sadly, the mother had to stay behind since there were 4 other puppies in her care. The rescue organization hoped to return with a mended baby for this sad mama. After they transported the puppy to their facilities, the volunteers were able to dress his wounds. But it took a few days before the little guy was able walk again. During that time, I’m sure his mom was a nervous wreck.

Thankfully, after lots of love and attention, the puppy was ready to return home. The sweet reunion was full of gratitude and joy. I’m so glad that the men and women at Animal Aid Unlimited, India were able to help this family in their time of need. They described the situation by saying, “His mother wanted to help but she couldn’t do it alone. She needed our help.” And they went above and beyond to make sure that this entire family was taken care of.


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