Precious Moment A Dog Rescued From A Fighting Ring Gets His First Warm Bath & A Taste Of Love

To Rambo’s first owners, he wasn’t a living, breathing being lovingly brought into this world by his creator.

He was just an object to be used and abused.
But others didn’t think so and would ensure that Rambo was loved, cared for, and treated with dignity and respect.
Rambo was found by happy chance.

Casey Lawrence, a board member of Every Life Matters Animal Rescue and real estate agent, spotted him on a property he was showing.

He got lost walking the property and just happened to come across Rambo.
The poor pup was found in a wooded area covered in wounds, freezing, and on the verge of shock. To make matters worse, he was surrounded by the bodies of other dead animals.
Rambo likely would have died if Lawrence hadn’t found him when he did.

After he was found, Rambo was rushed to Baxter Veterinary Clinic.
“We believe that he is a bait dog that was dumped and left to die in a pile of other animal carcasses. He’s not aggressive – and that’s why he’s used as “bait” for fighting dogs. His injuries are severe and he can barely lift his head,” the clinic wrote on its Facebook page.
Thanks to the loving care of the veterinary staff, Rambo was feeling well enough to sit up and wag his tail the next day.

Eventually, he started eating and relaxed in his new surroundings.But Rambo’s injuries were so severe that he need additional medical attention and was sent to Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency for surgery and additional care.
“Both hindlimbs have suffered trauma likely due to ties around his ankles. He is a trooper and will wag his tail and give kisses despite the abuse he has endured,” the Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency wrote on their Facebook page.

Poor Rambo had to get his right hindlimb amputated as a result.Rambo found comfort in a stuffed animal during this time, as well as the love of the staff.

Rambo became a big cuddler and loved to curl up with the staff.
Unfortunately, Rambo’s other leg was amputated as well. But that didn’t stop Rambo from having a happy ending.
Rambo recovered well. Once he started feeling better, his playful personality really shined through.

Once he was healed, Rambo was ready to be put up for adoption.A lovely family adopted him and gave him a happy forever home.

These days, Rambo is ” well-loved, well-fed” and even “well-traveled,” according to Newscaster Morgan Fogarty.
Those who helped Rambo learned that he was still thriving three years later.
“We just got an update from Rambo’s mom that he is doing great and he is living the good life with lots of belly rubs,” Baxter Veterinary Clinic wrote on Facebook.

There were many people who stopped to help, donated money or went out of their way to make sure Rambo was taken care of.
Everyone was cheering for him to get well.

“I am so glad he is doing well and having a good life with people who love him,” one person wrote on Facebook.

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