Our prayers go out to the great actor Will Smith and his family for their loss

Hollywood actor Will Smith’s father, Willard Carroll Smith Sr, has died. His death was confirmed by his ex-wife, Sheree Fletcher.

Hollywood famous actor Will Smith’s father, Willard Carroll Smith Sr, has died. His death was confirmed by his ex-wife, Sheree Fletcher.

On the fear of his father if he ever took drugs, he is quoted as saying:

‘I felt my father would kill me. Literally.’ Will has also previously praised his dad as a ‘steady and positive figure’ in his life. He once said: ‘Dad was tough but not tyrannical.

‘He kept me in line. He’d get this look that said, ‘One more step, Will, and it’ll get ugly. ‘He was an independent businessman – he set up refrigeration in supermarkets – and he always provided for us. He’s a steady and positive figure in my life.’

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