Her Husband Took A Photo Of Her In 1992 And Told Her “It’s The Last Night You’re Going To Live…”

Judy Sharp, 61, from Brisbane, shares inspiring story in order to encourage others.
As my husband gave me a bunch of tulips, my heart sank.
‘Thank you, they’re lovely,’ I said, forcing a smile.
Without missing a day, Mick* brought her flowers every Friday, 52 weeks a year.
It should’ve made her special, you may think, but it creeped her out the rest of the days in the week.
He would get jealous over the smallest of things. She was controlled and desperately unhappy.
When both of their sons were born, things got worse.
He was so convinced that she was cheating, he put sticky tape across the front and the back door and checked every morning to see if it was broken.
The only thing that hurt most was calling her a bad mother.
The boys deserve better, she thought.
But Mick, the husband, controlled the finances and she had nowhere to go with empty pockets.