A woman had shared the story of her revenge from the evil stepmother she had while she was growing up. She had shared her story on Reddit, as she stated the things that her evil stepmother did to her and her siblings.

She had stated that, “I was the oldest and tried to take the brunt of it to protect my siblings from her psychological abuse. I won’t list all the things she’s done, but a few prime examples are: telling my brother my mother was unfit when he was FIVE, causing him to have anxiety attacks in kindergarden; leaving hateful venomous messages aimed at my mother on our answering machine that were more often than not heard by her children instead; giving me a mother fucking Tinkerbelle makeup kit for my 16th birthday and expecting me to be grateful; drunkenly apologizing to me for being such a bitch on numerous occasions (the only times she would ever be kind to me – mostly because she wanted my pity)… I could write a book.”

When it was time of her wedding, she had stated that her stepmother’s time to payback had come. She had stated that she misinformed her stepmother so she would be late to their rehearsal dinner. She had continued as, “They had plenty of time to eat, but not enough to cause a shit show. Or so I thought… they managed to create quite a drama fest in the twenty minutes they were there for. But then, the next step – I assigned them to the handicap accessible cabin. It was away from all the others, had a weird shower, and the bed was slightly lower. It was one of the few without a view of the lake. My friends were kindly doing coffee deliveries to everyone the morning of the wedding and I told them to deliver them in numerical order, the handicapped cabin was the last one. I hear their coffee was cold and all the good pastries were gone.”

She also added that, “She was such a cunt at the rehearsal dinner (asking loudly and in front of everyone why my dad wasn’t walking me down the aisle, throwing a fit about the wrong directions, complaining about the food…) I added another layer – we bought necklaces for both our moms and, after a lot of debate, one for her as well. At the last minute, we decided to give the third one to my husband’s grandmother instead (neither of my grandmothers were able to attend).”

“She never knew, but it still felt soooo good. We also set up their cabin so that someone else would be staying in it the second night. Their original plan was to leave after the reception to visit my stepmother’s sister but I knew if there was an option they’d want to stay the second night. My stepmother was horrible to me as a child so I gave her wrong directions to my wedding, put her in the handicapped cabin, and didn’t give her a mother’s gift.” she concluded.

Here are some of the comments Redditors had stated under the post.

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