A Farmer in Michigan Was Digging in a Field When He Unearthed Something Shocking

Mornings are usually refreshing and you wake up feeling energized, so it’s the perfect time to do arduous activities before the sun comes up.

So, on one cool Friday morning in September 2015, James Bristle decided to dig up one of his soy fields. He had been planning this for a while and he figured it was the right time.

The job was going to be hard so he enlisted the help of two of his friends. So, at about 7:30 in the morning, James’ friends arrived at his house and together they went over to the soy field.

But little did they know that they would soon be busy with something else. Not even in their wildest dreams could they have known that they would soon stumble upon a rare discovery that would end up at the University of Michigan.

Watch: A Farmer in Michigan Was Digging in a Field When He Unearthed Something Shocking

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