Sharon Osbourne Says ‘Woke People Bore Me To D*ath’ And ‘Act Like We’re The De-vil’

Sharon Osbourne has hit out at “woke people” in a recent interview with the New York Post. Sharon, who is promoting the new docuseries To H*ll and Back on Fox Nation, told the outlet, “Woke people are like born-agains.”

She continued, “It’s like a religion. The woke people, they are entitled to opinions, God bless them, even though they bore me to d.e.a.t.h — but the rest of us are not. They have a new word every day, and a new campaign every day, and if anyone goes against it … what? We’re the d.e.v.i.l? They certainly act like we are.”

This isn’t the first time Sharon has spoken out this way. In 2021, she defended Piers Morgan after he was .a.c.c.u.s.e.d of launching r.a.c.i.s.t tirades against Meghan Markle. At the time,she tweeted, “I stand by you. People forget that you’re paid for your opinion and that you’re just speaking your truth.”

She also famously had her contract ended on The Talk after she defended Piers again. At one point, Sharon asked, “I feel even like I’m about to be put in the e.l.e.c.t.r.i.c. .c.h.a.i.r because I have a friend who many people think is a r.a.c.i.s.t, so that makes me a r.a.c.i.s.t … What’s it got to do with me? How can I be r.a.c.i.s.t about anybody?”

The in. cident at The Talk is at the heart of Sharon’s new docuseries. While discussing the series, she told the Post, “Woke people want to be accepted by everybody, but why can’t non-woke people be accepted by them? I’m not talking about h.a.t.e groups — they are the worst in the world — but we need to let people have opinions. If our opinions get taken away, we might as well be living in China. [Woke people] tell you what to say and how to behave. If that is how you want to live your life, good for you. But it ain’t for me.”

There’s more in the video below.

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