She Has Hunger In Her Veins – She Has Been Eating Incessantly Ever Since We Found Her Fired By The Locals!

group. He asked if we could come to help this emaciated dog. This is an emergency as people see the dog fired. The next day, we reached the venue for lunch, but we couldn’t see it…
Praise be to the Lord that there are people who help the needy, as well as the animals! Thank you!!!!!!!
What a cruel people, they drove the dog away, but it was necessary to feed it. After all, they saw how it was and needed food and help. Thanks to those who found it and adopted it.
Good thing you finally found this dog and took it with you! He didn’t even have enough water… Forget the food! It looks like she just caught a cold, they’ll get better and she’ll be such a good girl! Thank you all for helping him! God bless you and this dog! I’m watching and crying! Poor animal! What a vile and cruel person, so to speak. Glory and greetings to the kind and merciful people!
A big thank you to everyone involved in this dog’s rescue! Looking at this girl who has endured so much pain and indifference, my heart breaks. Thanks for saving this dog!
He will be your most loyal friend! You are humans, capitalized Luli! Thank you for being you!.. Health to you and your loved ones!… Russia, Samara.
Tin. Yes, how can you drive the dog away in such a state and be greedy for a piece of bread? Yes, what kind of people

🤔. Thank you for rescuing this dog.
Like all 44-year-old people, I have a dream like adults. Banal for the purpose of fear – a lot of money. But what to do with them is another question. I would open a large shelter for our four-legged children. This fear … I look and my eyes fill with tears. By the way, I have my own little shelter for 4 cats in an apartment, a house in garages and 3 dogs and 5 cats on a plot of land. Well done, thank you.
We really miss such charities. God bless more of them! Many more animals need our help. You are doing an incredibly important job! May God grant you health and prosperity! 🇺🇦What a poor man. Thank God everything went well! And the non-humans who allow it will come back to you! Bow down, you’re actually great people – you do that kind of stuff, you save defenseless animals!
Long live baby! Enjoy life!@@ How nice!!! God bless you for saving such a wonderful dog!!!
My God, what has the world come to 😱 can’t we humans be kinder to animals Thank you very much to the volunteers
What kind of bad people are they? How can you calmly look at a starving dog and not give it food, isn’t your heart actually trembling??? Thank you kind people for taking care of him!!!
Thank you kind people, these are our little brothers, how much pain, how much torture this dog has endured, it can tell when a person’s tooth, head or when it is hungry, but these dogs cannot do this, so do not pass by them, especially in these cold times. Hello everyone from Tajikistan.
How lucky you are to save the dog! Thank you very much! May God give you happiness, love and health! Dog health and joy! So that each of us has food, water and everything we need for life, so that we can always share, help, protect! Thank you!!
The dog does not believe in his happiness, eat so much ….. for his purpose this is a miracle …. Thanks, caring and kind people. I cry …. (((((
You can study anatomy in this dog. It’s a miracle he’s alive. I have never seen such a weakened animal. extraordinary kindness would be more human. good luck to you

Dear, dear people! Thank you for your kindness! Let this dog enjoy life. And God bless you!
What wonderful and compassionate people!! What a joy the tax must be experiencing … In reliable and kind hands. Thanks people!!
You can’t watch without crying! Thank you so much for not passing. We ourselves have a dog, a Labrador and a cat, we love animals very much. God bless you! you are good people
God, how cruel is the human world. How is such a sin committed against an unfortunate being?
What kind of people are still cruel animals, so make fun of the dog, 😭thanks, real people! for help
Poor thing, it broke my soul to see her, 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you for saving her and helping her, I hope she recovers well and fast, they are beautiful people, thank you, my love, From Chile, the animals are beautiful😔😔😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It is impossible to watch without pain and tears 😢. Thank you beautiful people 🙏👏Get well soon baby and forget what that individual did to you. Long life and happy life
All the good you do for these unfortunate animals will resonate with you a hundredfold. Good luck with your health and happiness! And these cute animals – health and a good home !!!!!!!!!!!!
💔how is it possible to bring a living soul???? how can you pass???? After all, it’s not that jelly-like in a few days??? Is everyone blind? 😢helpful opportunity thanks🙏
A very sweet vulnerable girl She will recover and become very beautiful and graceful! Thank you all for helping this poor dog!
GOD !!! THANKS FOR SENDING PEOPLE TO SAVE HER ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️🙏🙏🙏💋💋💋💋💋💋
God help this unlucky dog survive, there are many people nearby and no one was merciful. Thanks for helping the dog Moscow
How can you see an animal in this kind of condition and not be fed, not helped…. Thanks for saving the dog❤
Poor baby. Some creatures rape, break bones, torture, some save, give people hope, give faith. May God give you health, long life and strength. Dog, get well and find a loving family ❤️
😢God… a living skeleton. not a dog… Really no one’s heart beat when looking at this dog… no one was fed for the sake of it?… Thank you kind people!!!..This is some kind of horror! No one really throws a piece of bread at a dog! I marvel at human cruelty! Thank you to the kind people for rescuing the dog, I hope everything works out for him now, he’s in good hands!
God, if you are. Punish people who make the dog this kind of thing, how come, the heart hurts. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED THE DOG.❤😍
Dogs are the last angels on earth. They are the ones who gave their lives for their personal purpose without a moment’s hesitation. The Lord will never be offended if you keep a dog.
God! Oh my God, were there actually blind people around, Alhamdulillah, beautiful angels, what kind of work is this for you to save the soul!😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 poor dog, it is impossible to watch without shedding tears, how can you bring such a poor animal. 🤷🤦Those who see are also fired, uhzhzhzhasssss … you can always feed a hungry animal May God give you all the best good people. 🙏🙏🙏♥️ ♥️ ♥️
While tears are flowing down my face with the tears that I wish for the angels that Allah has sent to save these animals, I can only ask Allah to bless you who help our animals.
I’m crying and crying when I see this, thank you for helping these little animals who can’t talk and who are at a disadvantage with us humans. Thousands of “Blessings” for those who save them and provide them with adequate care with love. January/20/2023
The poor dog suffered, as a result kind people noticed this and helped. In general, I liked that the pets in Turkey are friendly, all the stray dogs and cats are fed and approach people calmly and eat without fear.

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