Girl Keeps Coming Home From School Hungry, Mom Realizes Teacher Has Been Messing With Her Lunch

Leeza Pearson loves her four-year-old daughter to the moon and back.
However, she began to get very worried when the little girl would return home from school every day, still hungry.
Leeza always prepared lunch for her little girl and did not understand why there didn’t seem to be enough food for the child. Leeza’s daughter, Natalie, was a student at Children’s Academy in Aurora, Colorado.
Although Natalie would return home every day still hungry, Leeza could not figure out what was wrong. She kept loading the little girl’s lunch bag with food and extra snacks like Oreo cookies, but still, the girl would return home hungry day after day. Leeza Pearson’s daughter has been coming home from school hungry, and after some investigation, she realized that her teacher had been messing with her lunch. The teacher was taking away Oreo cookies because they weren’t considered a healthy snack. Leeza is insulted by the unprofessional way the school teacher handled her daughter’s lunch and wants the Children’s Academy to apologize to her and her daughter.
Eventually, Natalie came home with a note from her teacher.
Apparently, the teacher was tampering with the little girl’s lunch by removing the Oreo cookies since the teacher did not think the treat was healthy enough for the little girl to eat while at school.
“Dear Parents, it is very important that all students have a nutritious lunch,” the note read, according to Life Aspire. “This is a public school setting, and all children are required to have a fruit, a vegetable, and a heavy snack from home, along with a milk.
If they have potatoes, the child will also need bread to go along with it. Lunchables, chips, fruit snacks, and peanut butter are not considered to be a healthy snack. This is a very important part of our program, and we need everyone’s participation.” Leeza could not believe that the teacher was trying to micromanage what she provided as a snack for her child. She is doing the best she can as a parent and doesn’t need her child’s teacher, adding additional stress to her already overwhelming life.
“They don’t provide lunch for my daughter,” Leeza said. “I provide lunch. It’s between the doctor and me in terms of what’s healthy for her.” Leeza would not mind if the teacher talked to her about her daughter’s lunch.
She would even have been open to getting a few recommendations for healthier snacks that her daughter could bring to school. But she was absolutely insulted by the unprofessional way the school teacher handled her daughter’s lunch and wants the Children’s Academy to apologize to her and her daughter. Many parents sided with Leeza when the story made its way onto social media. People felt that the teacher should have talked to the mother about the snack choice rather than forcing the child to go hungry day after day.
What do you think about this incident involving school lunch?