Annie, 20-year-old shelter dog rescued by two best friends last year, has died — rest in peace

A bittersweet update to a story we reported on last year: Annie, the 19-year-old shelter dog rescued from euthanasia by two best friends, has died.

While Annie will be missed by all, she survived far past the one month she was expected to live for, and spent her last months surrounded by love.

Annie’s story

Last year, Lauren Siler of Dallas, Texas heard about a 19-year-old shelter dog named Annie who was in need of a home. She wrote that the dog was “dumped at the shelter” by her previous owners.

It was clear that Annie didn’t have much time left, and she was in danger of dying alone in the shelter. “The vet had said she’ll be lucky if it’s a month,” Lauren told 9News. Annie was in danger of being euthanized.

But Lauren, along with her roommate and best friend Lisa Flores, were moved by Annie’s story that they decided to take her in as a foster. “I saw her sweet little face sitting in her poor little kennel,” Lauren recalled.

The two roommates began sharing Annie’s adventures on social media, and vowed to make the dog’s remaining time on earth as special as possible, setting up a “bucket list” of fun things Annie could do.

“Annie is about to have the best month of her 19years,” the fosters wrote on Instagram. “She will know love, she will be treated like a princess, and get lots of snuggles, ice cream, and hamburgers. When her time comes and she tells us she is done, she won’t be alone at a shelter.”

The friends set up a social media account for Annie’s adventures, and over the next few months they crossed more and more items off her “bucket list.”

Annie ate drive-thru hamburgers, got her own birthday party, swam in a swimming pool, and was showered with love and gifts from her fans.

Rest in peace, Annie

Almost exactly a year after rescuing Annie, and after many adventures with their beloved dog, Lauren and Lisa announced that Annie had passed on.

While the death of a beloved dog is always hard, the fosters decided to look on the bright side: Annie held on longer than anyone expected, and got to experience so much joy in her final year.

“She gave us her all… and I can’t help but think as she looked at me with her head in my lap last night that she was telling me ‘see I told you I could hang on for a year’!” Lauren wrote in an Instagram post.

While Annie got to live the great life she deserved, she also changed Lauren and Lisa’s lives forever, giving them an unforgettable and meaningful adventure.

“So much of who I am today, is because of Annie. I learned so much from her…That life is worth living! Adventure and good days can come when you least expect it! Being brave and saying ‘yes’ is almost always worth it! But maybe most importantly… that we live in a world with GOOD people!”

“Annie had the life we pray every senior dog we rescue gets to experience. Annie didn’t just live out this past year… she THRIVED!” The Pawerful Rescue, who first rescued Annie, wrote on Instagram.

“This past year Annie found two extraordinary wonderful women who took her in as her hospice fosters. She experienced not one but two Christmases and birthday parties. She walked out onto the TX rangers baseball field. Made the news, headlined events and literally inspired millions!”

In her final weeks, Annie was still living the life and crossing off items on her bucket list: Instagram posts show her enjoying donuts and even a fancy steak.

Just days ago she celebrated her “Annie-versary,” marking one year since her adoption with a meet-and-greet with fans at Celestial Beerworks.

According to WFAA, Annie also died just hours after celebrating her 20th birthday — a bittersweet final goodbye.

“Yesterday afternoon she was with all the people that loved her. she was celebrated,” Lauren wrote. “She greeted every dog that came to her party and then her body decided she was done.”

Rest in peace, Annie. You were loved so much, and your story brought so much joy to people over the past year.

Thank you to everyone who gave this sweet dog a chance at life, especially Lauren and Lisa who made her final months so special 💔❤️

Please share this story in memory of Annie.

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