Another Store Closes After Three Decades Of Business

A North End convenience store that was a staple for locals and visitors for nearly three decades has closed.

The Connah Store at 270 Hanover St. was beloved for its phonetic spelling that highlighted the Boston accent. Now, the sound of cash registers and customers has been replaced with the sound of construction.

“It is part of the neighborhood, I do like the name,” a passerby told WBZ NewsRadio Wednesday. “Actually I have two sons and they’re fairly upset about it because they used to like to go across the street and get candy.”

The storefront is now under the auspices of local business owner Frank DePasquale, who owns restaurants on both sides of it. He made purchase after the landlord raised rents.

“Fortunately, unfortunately, some people can stay, some people can’t,” said DePasquale. “And being cornered on both sides with a restaurant on each side, I just couldn’t let it go to stray chance, so I decided regardless of the situation that I had to take it.”

According to DePasquale, the goal is to put in a new business that will live up to the Connah Store’s legacy.

“It was a part of the community for a long time and we hope to just enhance it and make it just as good, if not a little bit better than what it was,” DePasquale said. “Every investment that we make is to make the North End a little bit better, and our commitment is strictly that. The North End will be here and stay here forever and ever.”

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