You Won’t Believe How This Sick Day Advice Went Hilariously Wrong

A Chinese employee calls his boss and says, “I can’t work today, I’m sick.”

The boss replies, “When I’m sick, I spend time with my wife. You should try that!”

Two hours later, the employee calls back and says, “I feel better now. By the way, you have a lovely home.”

It was an ordinary Tuesday morning in a bustling office in Shanghai, where employees were already hard at work on their tasks for the day. Among them was Li Wei, a diligent employee who had been feeling a bit under the weather lately. Despite his dedication to his job, today was one of those rare days when he simply couldn’t muster the energy to go in. His head was pounding, and he had a sore throat. So, after a brief internal debate, he decided to do something he seldom did—call in sick.

Li Wei hesitated for a moment, knowing that his boss, Mr. Zhang, was a no-nonsense type of manager, someone who rarely took days off himself. But, having no other option, he picked up the phone and dialed his boss’s number. After a few rings, Mr. Zhang answered with his usual brisk tone.

“Hello, Li Wei. What’s the matter?”

“Good morning, boss,” Li Wei said, his voice sounding weak and raspy. “I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to work today. I’m feeling pretty sick.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Mr. Zhang replied, “Sick, huh? Well, that happens. But you know, when I’m feeling sick, I don’t just lie around doing nothing. I spend time with my wife instead, and somehow it always makes me feel better. You should try that!”

Li Wei was taken aback by the advice. He wasn’t sure how spending time with his boss’s wife would help his current situation, but Mr. Zhang’s suggestion lingered in his mind. Not wanting to disappoint, he thanked his boss and hung up, still pondering the strange piece of wisdom.

A couple of hours passed, and Li Wei couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation. He felt no better physically, but the idea of taking action, as his boss had suggested, began to stir in his mind. Perhaps Mr. Zhang was onto something. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air and engaging with others would improve his mood.

And so, in a somewhat foggy state of mind, Li Wei did the unthinkable. He remembered that his boss’s house wasn’t too far from his own apartment. It seemed logical—if spending time with one’s wife helped Mr. Zhang recover from illness, why wouldn’t visiting his boss’s home have the same effect on him? Without much further thought, he grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

Upon arriving at his boss’s home, Li Wei rang the doorbell. Mrs. Zhang, surprised to see one of her husband’s employees at the doorstep, greeted him warmly. Unsure of what to say but recalling his boss’s advice, Li Wei explained that Mr. Zhang had suggested he come by to feel better. Amused and slightly confused, Mrs. Zhang welcomed him in, offering tea and some soup to help him recover.

Two hours later, feeling rejuvenated after some food and conversation, Li Wei realized his symptoms had improved considerably. Perhaps his boss had been right all along! After all, sometimes a change of environment and good company were all it took to feel better.

With a newfound sense of energy, Li Wei decided to call his boss again.

“Hello, boss,” he said, sounding much livelier. “Just wanted to let you know that I’m feeling much better now. I really appreciate your advice.”

Mr. Zhang, somewhat surprised by the rapid recovery, responded, “That’s great to hear! See, I told you spending time with my wife would make you feel better.”

Li Wei smiled, then added casually, “Oh, by the way, you have a lovely home.”

There was a sudden pause on the other end of the line as Mr. Zhang processed what had just been said.

“My… home?” his voice faltered.

“Yes,” Li Wei replied innocently. “I spent some time with your wife, just like you suggested. Thank you again!”

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