When a sales assistant told my wife that she wasn’t ‘pretty enough’ to work in their store, I went back a few days later to exact the perfect revenge on her.

One of the employees in the store had the audacity to make MY wife cry by being malicious. All of that was done since my spouse was looking for job at the same establishment that she was already employed at. After hearing the story that my wife had to tell, I decided to take action to rectify the issue. The actions that I took made it so that the assistant would give a second thought before addressing everyone else!

This is an interesting story about a form of revenge that is both pure and sweet! There has never been a time when Emma, my wife, did not have a keen sense of style. My name is Thomas. Her wardrobe is a clear indication of the exquisite taste she possesses. My Emma is quite knowledgeable about the most recent fashion trends, and I say this without implying that I am biased or trying to show off.

Basically, she is the one that clothes me the most of the time. It’s not because I’m a sexist and believe that it’s her duty; rather, it’s because she absolutely adores this activity. And if I’m being completely honest, I always look FANTASTIC, so I’m not going to be upset about it!

Over the course of many years, my wife avoided pursuing her actual interest. She worked a wide variety of occupations. Such as working as a receptionist and, at one point in time (regrettably, for a brief period of time), as a nurse, and even dabbling in art. Despite this, she was still unable to locate her place.

My cherished wife made the decision not too long ago to pursue her interest in fashion (see what I did there) as a viable career path. It was then that she began her search for a job in the retail industry. Based on her reasoning, she believed that it would be an ideal match for her interests.

Upon her return home, she was overcome with emotion, and she proceeded to recount the events that transpired to me. Emma revealed that she was at the shopping center in the afternoon on the day that would prove to be the unfortunate one. She then became aware of a well-known lingerie boutique that had a billboard that read “Now Hiring” displayed on the window.

Her excitement was palpable as she divulged, “I went inside to inquire right away!” On the other hand, boy, was I in for the surprise of my life! She recalled how her joy began to wane when she approached the sales assistant and attempted to have a conversation with her.

The impolite woman did not even bother to look in the direction of my wife until she was standing right in front of her! Emma, who was feeling a little sad but was still extremely excited, inquired about the procedure of applying for a job. Instead of that, the assistant gave her a scowl and an attitude while she looked her over from head to toe. Then she uttered the words that were really painful:

As far as I’m concerned, I don’t think you’re attractive enough for this position. THERE IS NO CHANCE. “Don’t even bother trying, OK?”

When my gorgeous wife arrived home, she was in tears. She had not yet calmed down to the point where she could tell me her story since she had been crying. She felt her heart break as a result of the hurtful statement. I’ve never before witnessed my wife in such a state of complete and utter devastation, and it crushed my heart to see her in that position.

While I was attempting to comfort her, I wrapped my arms around her. My dearest, you must not allow her to affect you. Your beauty and talent are both admirable. “You are worth a great deal more than what she has said,” I whispered to her. “But why would she say that?” Emma broke down in tears. Just wanted to submit my application for a job. That is not something I deserved.

“She is a person with a narrow-minded perspective, my angel,” I attempted to reassure my wife. The sight of her in such a depressed state made me livid. My Emma should not be made to feel this way, and no one, and I mean NOBODY, should be allowed to treat her in such a manner and get away with it!

What else is there to say? In the midst of my wrath, I came to the conclusion that it was high time that someone demonstrated to that obnoxious assistant how wrong she was! I came to the conclusion that I would teach that sales assistant a lesson in humility that she would never forget.

I came up with a strategy throughout the course of the following few days. My friend Mike, who is employed in the fashion sector, was the one I contacted in order to request his assistance. When Mike learned what had occurred, he felt compelled to offer his assistance without hesitation.

Man, that is just astonishing. Yes, I will be of assistance. Mike suggested that we give her a taste of her own medicine when we were on the phone together. After a few days had passed, I finally put my plan into action. I went back to the lingerie store so that I could get dressed properly with the assistance of my friend Emma.

After conducting sufficient research, I was able to confirm that the same sales assistant was working on that particular day. I then began to act as though I was browsing the aisles, waiting for the ideal opportunity to present itself. Although there were just a few customers in the store at the time, I went up to the assistant and smiled warmly at her.

“Greetings, I am wanting to purchase a really meaningful item for my wife. Would you be able to assist me in selecting a few items? I inquired about it. As soon as she recognized the possibility of a significant sale, her attitude shifted. As she became more attentive, she began demonstrating a variety of stuff to me.

Absolutely, your honor! We offer an incredible variety of options. In a tone that was suddenly more kind, she inquired, “What is the occasion?” as we made our way around the store. The surprise is for my wife, nothing more. At the same time that I was attempting to be attentive, I responded, “I want to get her something really special.”

Excellent! What do you think of this bit? She made the suggestion while holding up a delicate lace set and said that it was one of our most popular offerings. “Do you think this would look good on her?” While I was looking at the lingerie, I asked. “Of course, not at all! One of our most popular items is this one. I was given the assurance that your wife would adore it.

If you could, could you show me a couple more choices? In an effort to maintain her interest, I stated, “I want to make sure that I get the perfect one.” While she was showing me more pieces, I engaged in idle chatter in order to maintain her interest. My question was, “So, how long have you been working here?” when I asked you.

In response, she stated, “Roughly six months.” “It’s a great job if you have the right look for it.” While I pretended to be interested, I nodded my head. The fact that is intriguing. When do they make new hires?

Simply when they are in desperate need of someone. She said this with a trace of satisfaction in her voice. “They are very selective about who they hire.”

At approximately thirty minutes, I informed her that I wanted to leave the room in order to call my wife and inquire about her view regarding one of the items. As an alternative to calling Emma, I decided to phone my friend Mike. In a hurry, he came in order to carry out his portion of the plan.

With each other, we made our way back into the store. The sales assistant was approached by my friend, who then introduced himself to her. “Greetings,” Mike said as he extended his hand to the person. “I’m Mike Gladstone, a talent scout for a major fashion brand.”

He appeared to be impressed with the store, giving the impression that it was an excellent location to discover new talent. I have been looking for a person who possesses a captivating personality and a one-of-a-kind appearance. Do you believe that you might have someone who is similar to that here?

The joy in the assistant’s eyes caused them to broaden. You mean, really? She stated, “Well, I’ve been told that I have a great look for this kind of thing,” as if she was under the impression that this was her ultimate opportunity. After giving her a critical once-over, Mike shook his head and walked away.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you quite fit what we’re looking for,” he responded in response. “We need someone who STANDS OUT in the right way, you understand?” The assistant appeared to be completely distraught!

My attention was drawn to me by Mike before she could respond. His question was directed toward me, and he said, “What about you?” “You do have a very captivating appearance. Ever thought about pursuing a career in modeling? This caused the assistant’s mouth to drop! The news came as a complete surprise to her!

A grin appeared on my face as I responded, “No, but I do have someone in mind who would be an excellent candidate for your campaign.” I didn’t waste any time and immediately introduced my wife, Emma. To put it simply, she is attractive, self-assured, and utterly lovely on the inside and out.

Mike acknowledged with a resounding nod. “It would be a dream come true to meet her. Do you want to schedule an interview? I switched my attention to the assistant, who appeared to be shaking and had become pale. With the intention of conveying my message to her, I looked directly into her eyes and said:

As you probably already know, it’s funny how perceptions can be so deceiving. Perhaps the next time you make a snap judgment on someone based on their appearance, you will give it some serious consideration.

During the time that we were leaving, I could feel the assistant’s eyes going straight into my back. Later, Emma had a meeting with Mike. Despite the fact that she did not pursue a career in modeling, the experience provided her with a much-needed boost of confidence.

“So, how did it go?” The question was posed to my wife after she had returned from her appointment with my acquaintance. Indeed, it was really incredible! As she smiled, she exclaimed, “Mike was so kind and professional!” “He told me that I had real potential,” she continued, her face glistening with the joy that she felt.

Oh, my sweetheart, I told you! When I responded, I hugged her strongly and told her, “You have everything it takes.” In the evening, Emma and I sat down to a meal together and discussed the events that had transpired. While she was holding my hand across the table, she murmured, “I can’t believe you did all that for me.”

I would go to any lengths for you, my sweetheart. I told her in a forceful voice, “No one has the right to make you feel less than you are.”

We went back to the shopping mall one week after our initial visit. Emma’s walk was marked by a newly discovered sense of self-assurance. It was impossible for me to resist taking a quick look inside the lingerie store as we walked by. It appeared as though the sales assistant was still in the process of recuperating from the shock that she had experienced.

“Want to go in and browse?” I made fun of Emma. As she chuckled, she shook her head gently. “I’ve had enough of that store for a lifetime!” As we continued to stroll hand in hand, we were aware that there are times when the most effective form of retribution is not simply a cunning plot. To do so is to encourage the people you care about and to assist them in recognizing their genuine value.

Now, that concludes my tale. In certain circumstances, the most effective method of dealing with a situation is to make the person realize how wrong they were in the most public and humiliating way imaginable. Additionally, believe me when I say that the expression on the face of that sales assistant is something that I will never forget!

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