A woman who is at the age of 40, had shared a story on Reddit. The woman explained that her husband of 22 years, and her mother was having an affair.
The OP shared that she was fifteen when she met with her husband, and two years later she got pregnant. As they decided get married, they had their wedding when she was 18, and moved in with OP’s parents.
Not long after, they moved into the empty house of OP’s grandmothers, which was her inheritance, and had more children with age gaps.

She was pregnant with their last child, when she was 40 years old. As she was on a trip with her friends, she decided to come home a day earlier. But she received the shock with what she saw in the house.
OP wrote, “I walked into my bedroom to find my mom having sex with my husband. My mother screamed at me to get out of ‘their’ bedroom, which really shook me up even more.”

Then, her mother ran back to her home with the bed sheet covering her body, and that led OP to confront her husband. He stated that her mother had seduced him when he was 18, and since then, they are having an affair.
OP realized at that point that her youngest three siblings might be from her husband. So she called her father and said the truth. As her father was devastated, he confronted with OP’s mother, his wife.
Also, OP had hosted a house party to reveal the affair of her husband and her mother. As it was weird, some of the family members and the whole family of her husband stated that she was wrong to reveal this.

And when the news reached to the church her mother was attending, as she was that children’s pastor, she lost her position too. OP wrote, “She claims I’ve essentially ruined her reputation and life. My dad kicked her out, and she’s now living with my 38 F sister, and lastly, my dad insisted on a [DNA] test for the three youngest boys.”
As her father took a DNA test, it turned out that her twin brothers were from her husband. As OP divorced the man, she kicked him out of the house.
As devastated she was, and her father, he tried to support his daughter as much as possible. He stated that they should sell the grandparent’s house, and with the money she receive, they should get her a new house to create new memories.

Her husband was now the father of seven, and half of his business was taken by the OP, after their divorce.
After the terrible events, some of OP’s family members had cut their ties with her. As she kept the reason of their divorce from her little children, but her 14-year-old child knows the reason why they had cut their ties with their father.
Here are some comments from the Redditors.

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