A woman shared a story on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit. Woman explained that she was engaged to her fiance for five months, when the situation happened. As her fiance didn’t wanted, they do not share their bank accounts. When the story happened, OP received a 30% raise which she was making more money than him, and for that reason, her fiance would ask her to pay for everything when they got out.
“Whenever I say “no” or “why should I pay for this?” He would respond with, “the 30% that’s why.” He acts as if the 30% is unfair or that I’m not deserving it.” OP had shared.
Few times in the past her fiance had convinced her to pay for himself and his friends, as he asked of her publicly, OP accepted. She stated, “Let me say that I’m too nice to say “no,” I hate confrontation especially when we’re at a public place like a restaurant so I just grin and pay.”
Fiance asked again to OP that they are going out for dinner with his friends, OP stated that she informed her fiance from the start that she will not be paying for them. Her fiance stated that he “got this” and “no worries.”
They arrived at the restaurant, met with the friends. After they started to eat, OP’s fiance had leaned in and whispered that she would be paying for everything, for the whole table they ordered. As OP got angry and whispered that she won’t, as her fiance expected her to not be able to create a scene in public, he said, “You have enough money you could pay for everyone’s food, 30% remember?”
As OP was livid with the situation, she waited until the bill arrived, which it was split since they ordered. She only paid for herself, and excused herself to the bathroom. She then left the restaurant and went back home.
As she arrived at home, her fiance had called her and texted to her about her location, and OP texted back that she didn’t liked how he was behaving and he was tricking her to pay for everything, all the time. She said that she is at home, and stopped texting.
An hout later, her fiance came home and started yelling at OP, as he said that she was selfish, irrational, and cheapskate. Her fiance was mad that OP left him with a bill which he couldn’t pay, so he needed to call his brother.
OP concluded as, “His friends didn’t speak to me on this, but he told me they’re disappointed in my behavior. They are telling him to take time and “reflect” on the type of woman he’s going to be married to.”
The Redditors who read the story had praised the woman’s action and shared their opinions. They said that she was the one who needs to reflect on the type of man she is going to be married to. They adviced her to leave her manipulative fiance.
What do you think? Let us know.

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