My Daughter Chose Her Rich Dad over Me, Now Asks Me to Take Her Back as He Kicked Her Out

The mother faced a challenging situation when her daughter, Maria, sought to move back in after being kicked out by her father. The mother’s decision to establish certain conditions for Maria’s return is a reasonable approach, considering the complex history between them. Here are some key points to consider:

Financial Independence: The mother’s conditions, such as getting a GED, working, and planning for a career, are aimed at fostering Maria’s financial independence and personal growth. These are positive steps toward helping Maria build a stable and self-sufficient future.
Shared Responsibilities: Asking Maria to contribute to household chores is a fair expectation, as it promotes a sense of responsibility and shared living responsibilities. It’s essential for Maria to understand the importance of contributing to the household she is a part of.
Reasonable Expectations: While the mother set conditions, she also allowed Maria some freedom, especially on weekends. This balance reflects a reasonable approach that acknowledges Maria’s adulthood while still providing structure and expectations.
History of Strained Relationship: Given the strained relationship between the mother and Maria, establishing clear expectations is crucial for rebuilding trust and fostering a healthier dynamic. The conditions set by the mother are not unreasonable, considering the history of disagreements and Maria’s past choices.
Community Support: The positive responses from the Reddit community indicate that many see the mother’s conditions as fair and aimed at promoting Maria’s well-being. Seeking external perspectives can provide valuable insights into the situation.

Ultimately, the mother’s approach appears to be guided by a desire to support Maria’s personal and financial development while maintaining a healthy living environment. It’s essential for both parties to communicate openly and work towards rebuilding their relationship on mutual understanding and respect.

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