After Police Heard Wretched Cries From Inside An Abandoned House, What They Found Was Heart Wrenching

Late at night on July 6, 2015, officers from the Chicago Police Department responded to a call that led them to an eerie, abandoned house. What they encountered inside would break their hearts and ultimately lead to a remarkable rescue mission.

The officers were initially drawn to the house by mysterious, unsettling sounds, which they initially thought were supernatural in nature, adding to the haunted aura of the place. As they ventured inside, their flashlights revealed the source of the haunting cries: two emaciated dogs, Emmy and Oscar, barely clinging to life.

Emmy and Oscar were in a dire state, suffering from extreme malnutrition and neglect. The officers wasted no time in contacting the Trio Animal Foundation (TAF), a charitable organization renowned for its dedication to rescuing and rehabilitating animals in need.

TAF swiftly arrived at the scene, and the officers left Emmy and Oscar in their capable hands. The dogs were rushed to a local animal hospital, where their journey toward recovery would begin.

Emmy, a female dog, weighed a mere 24 pounds upon arrival at the vet, half of what she should have weighed. Her bloodwork indicated that her body was in a state of starvation and anemia. Oscar, the male companion, was in an even worse condition, with his body also in starvation mode and suffering from hypophosphatemia, a condition threatening liver failure.

The veterinarians faced a challenging task of saving these two dogs. Having gone without food for so long, Emmy and Oscar were at risk of refeeding syndrome, a potentially fatal condition when starved bodies are overwhelmed by nutrients.

To prevent this, the dogs were put on a carefully monitored feeding regimen consisting of frequent, small, high-fat meals. This painstaking approach was vital in ensuring their bodies could handle the nourishment and recover without complications.

Emmy showed promising signs of recovery relatively quickly. She began gaining weight, her condition stabilized, and her awareness of her surroundings improved. Oscar, however, faced a tougher battle due to the emotional trauma he had endured. He required emotional and behavioral therapy to overcome his lingering fear and anxiety.

After less than a month of intensive care, both Emmy and Oscar made astounding progress. They were no longer the skeletal, suffering dogs rescued from the haunted house. They had transformed into healthy, happy, and loving animals.

Emmy found her forever home with the veterinarian who had cared for her, a heartwarming bond formed between them. Oscar, too, found a loving family and even gained a new canine sibling in the process.

The story of Emmy and Oscar is a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and rescue organizations like TAF. It serves as a reminder of the importance of reporting animal cruelty and supporting those who work tirelessly to give animals a second chance at life.

As we celebrate this incredible journey of recovery, let us remember that every rescue story like Emmy and Oscar’s is a beacon of hope for animals in need around the world.

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