Little Girl With Special Needs Attacked On Bus, Principal Calls Video ‘Gruesome And Horrifying’

A distressing incident has come to light in Wisconsin, US, where Lillian Waldron, a young developmentally delayed girl, suffered painful bruises on her arm and shoulder. The injuries were inflicted by another little girl who allegedly bit her more than nine times while they were on their way home from school.

Lillian’s mother, Lynn Waldron-Moehle, expressed her anguish and concern, revealing that her daughter is non-verbal and possesses the mannerisms of a two-year-old. She questioned the bus driver’s inaction during the harrowing attack, as he was seated just one row ahead of the incident on the all-special needs bus.

“She can’t tell them to stop. She couldn’t get away. She’s in a five-point harness car seat,” Lynn stated, expressing her frustration at the lack of intervention from the driver. “She just had to sit there and take it. And the bus driver wasn’t stopping from running.”

Lillian’s father, Chad Waldron, echoed his wife’s sentiments, questioning how the bus driver could be unaware of the disturbing situation unfolding right behind him.

“The seat was right behind the bus driver and he couldn’t hear anything going on or see anything? Come on,” Chad said, expressing his disbelief.

When Lillian arrived home in tears, clutching her arm after the incident, her mother initially didn’t realize the full extent of her injuries. It was only when Lynn prepared to give her daughter a bath that she discovered the severity of the situation.

“My daughter came home from school on a Lamers bus today whining and carrying on holding her arm signing ouchie,” Lynn recalled. “I observed when I took her coat off that she had a single bite mark on her forearm. Although it looked like she bit herself, so I didn’t think anything of it. She was very restless and not calming down, so I thought a nice warm bath would help her.”

It was during the bath that Lynn saw the devastating truth – Lillian had over nine bite marks, all bruised, covering her upper arm and shoulder. The distraught mother promptly took pictures, called the police, and rushed her daughter to the hospital for medical attention.

The principal of Langlade Elementary School reviewed the bus’s surveillance footage and confirmed the brutal nature of the attack. Another girl on the bus had bitten Lillian repeatedly in a shocking display of aggression.

“The principal said it was gruesome and horrifying to look at, and that the girl was brutally biting my daughter’s arm,” Lynn said, recounting the principal’s reaction to the video evidence.

The family claims that the pupil responsible for the attack is no longer attending the same school as Lillian. The school district has assured the public that they are actively investigating the incident in collaboration with the bus company. Measures will be taken to prevent such a distressing situation from recurring in the future.

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