Pregnant Mum Having Contractions Is Told To ‘Go Home And Take Painkillers’ By Hospital Staff – Before Giving Birth In Her Bedroom An Hour Later

A pregnant mother having contractions was told by hospital staff to ‘go home’ about an hour before she gave birth in her bedroom.

Courtnie Apps was turned away from the maternity ward at Ballarat Base Hospital in Victoria despite being in immense pain on Monday night.

She arrived at the hospital with her best friend Ashlee Meek and the expecting mother was assessed by a doctor.
But the doctor said her agony was likely being caused by a kidney infection and that she wasn’t actually in labour.

Ms Apps was then sent home with painkillers and a strong sleeping pill.
‘They said, “You’re not in labour so this pain you’re having must be from your kidney infection, which can be quite painful”,’ Ms Apps told 9News.

Within an hour of arriving home, Ms Apps gave birth to her daughter, Aladia Hope, in the front bedroom of her home.

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