One year after his mother’s passing, Alec Baldwin said of her, “We Miss Her.”

On the first anniversary of his mother’s passing, Alec Baldwin posted on Instagram to pay tribute to her legacy. She died on May 26, 2022, and is remembered for her commitment to breast cancer awareness and research. She is survived by six children, 25 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren.

“It’s hard to think that the Baldwin family matriarch passed over a year ago. We miss her, but we keep working to respect her legacy,” Alec Baldwin said of his mother Carol Baldwin. He praised The Baldwin Fund and enjoined people to join them in their fight for change.

Alec continued by pleading with his fans to support his mother’s fight against breast cancer in the 1990s by “helping us carry on the mission she started, to love others, show compassion, and find a cure.” Since its inception in 2001, the Baldwin Fund has funded more than 60 research projects with grants.

Alec Baldwin went to great lengths when he announced his mother’s passing in May 2022. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991, and even though she was later declared cancer-free, she made the decision to keep fighting the disease for all the other women who battle it every day and go through daily struggle and agony.

He continued by commending his mother for the job she accomplished with SUNY Stony Brook following her cancer treatment. Alec said in 2022 that “the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund was opened on the campus at Stony Brook with the support of the university’s then president, Shirley Strum Kenny.”

After a few years, SUNY Upstate University and another chapter were established, and their combined efforts helped raise millions of dollars for breast cancer research and awareness. Alec continued, “She fought and championed the cause she put so much energy to for the final 25 years of her life.

The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center at Stony Brook Medicine, which was established in 1996 and cares for hundreds of breast cancer patients annually, furthers her legacy. Additionally, the facility provides a survivorship program for people who have overcome the disease but still want assistance.

Alec Baldwin has had a difficult past 19 months, beginning with the tragic events that took place on the Rust set on October 21, 2021. Baldwin accidentally shot and killed cameraman Halyna Hutchins while filming a scene while holding what he believed to be a pretend gun; the gun turned out to be real.

Two counts of involuntary manslaughter were first filed against him, however, those accusations were later dismissed in April 2023, allowing Baldwin to start the process of getting over the horrible event. He apparently told his wife he no longer wanted to be a public figure after the sad catastrophe.

More recently, Alec Baldwin got into trouble after it was claimed that he reprimanded a waiter on May 18 at the 2023 PEN America Spring Literary Gala. Alec appeared to object to the waitress commencing to place plates on the table because he was talking to someone else at the moment.

One source stated, “I’m guessing he felt it was rude of her to start putting plates down while he was standing there,” and that the waitress was perplexed as to why he yelled at her. Even so, it was a brief conversation that not all guests seemed to notice.

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